Despite the harsh realities of the pandemic and the new (ab)normality, we are trying to maintain our fortitude 😉 The past few weeks were filled with the puppy farewells – the children from the “V litter” moved out to their new families, undoubtedly bringing a freckled mess into their lives with all its shades – but hey, that is what they asked for! 😉

We wish all the best to the new members of the extanded Tamaam family on this – already common – journey into the exciting Unknown!

Proudly presenting:
Guys – VISCOUNT FOR HIRE Tamaam “Weles”, VICTORY CONDITIONS Tamaam “Louis”, VICTORY DANCE Tamaam “Vincent”, VISCOUNT VAGABOND Tamaam, VISION OF THE FUTURE Tamaam “Vincenzo” and our precious girlie – VICTORINE Tamaam, vel. Inka, vel. Hanusia 😉

In some countries, dog shows are slowly returning … under the new and strict sanitary regime. More than ever before do the show trips nowadays require courage, fantasy and due to the mandatory masks in the rings – the entraordinary lung condition as well (phew …!)

In this new reality, TENDERNESS Tamaam aka “Asia” showed her socks off at 4 shows organized in Slovenia – Alpe Adria Winner – with the following results: 4x JCAC, 4x JBOB, Alpe Adria Winner, Slovenian Junior Champion.

The judges were:
6/8 NDS Sempeter I: Mrs Sinko Kupriyanova (SLO)
7/8 IDS Sempeter II: Mr Sinko (SLO)
8/8 IDS Vrtojba I: Mr Rajic (SLO)
9/8 IDS Vrtojba II: Mrs Sterguljc Krusic (SLO)

Congratulations ladies! We do cheer for you constantly.
However, we ourselves would eagerly wait until a piece of normality comes back again before we make any decisions regarding our further showplans.