CRUFTS 2013… an unforgettable weekend spent among friends from around the world, and beautiful dogs in the country of the breed’s origins.
This year springers were judged by Mrs. Marion Stowe.
Wholeheartedly congratulations to the breeders and owners of the CC & RCC winners – Dave & Jacky Mitchell (Peasblossom), Jane Eyeington (Meadowsdale), Ray Smith (Melverly), and Helene Björkman (Barecho).
We are grateful to all friends of ours who became a part of this adventure, and shared our enormous joy when “Nico” FOREST FRUIT FROM Tamaam to Beresford won the yearling class.
Sincere thanks to Nico’s owners David & Trudy Topliss (Kennel Beresford) for your hospitality, and such a warm welcome at your home again ♥ Thank you so much for the opportunity to show this little naughty boy, and Rianlas in the Black at Beresford “Jack”. It was an honour. We look forward to seeing you in Poland! 🙂
We would also like to say thanks to all friends who have sent messages and congratulations on FB. We do appreciate every single one of them.
Thanks to my best friend and soulmate Magdalena for being a great companion during the whole trip.
Last but not least – sinecere thanks to my husband Grześ who let me go, having stayed at home struggling with the complicated reality. Thank you for everything.
CC & BOB Peasblossom CHANCE
FOREST FRUIT FROM Tamaam to Beresford “Nico” – Winner of Yearling Dog
FOREST FRUIT FROM Tamaam to Beresford “Nico”
@ 13 months
/GBShCh Trimere Talking Point of Allenie x Ch High Score Blondes Have More Fun/